Friday, July 4, 2008

Long Time Coming

The tipping point has finally arrived. Score one for persistent, tech-savvy friends. Within the span of a few hours, I was unwittingly launched from the "dark ages" into the light of gmail, google reader, and yes, blogging. I take it as a sure sign of the apocalypse, so if you're not right with Jesus, you might want to look into it.

Rather than spew more words at you (anyone who's met me knows I can talk your ear off), I thought I'd make this a collaborative space. So many of my best friends live so far away, and I constantly long to spend time with you all, to share memories and experiences. So, consider this your window into my strange, twisted, amusing life. I'll be posting photos, recipes, jokes, stories...and I hope you'll do the same.

Won't you join me on this long, strange trip called life? (and yes, for you sci-fi nerds, that was a veiled douglas adams reference)

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